7th Grade Reflection

When I first arrived in August for 7th grade, I expected loads of homework. My brothers had told me that 7th grade is way harder than 6th. But that didn’t turnout the same.

The was a lot more homework but not as much as they told me. I was expecting staying up until 11:00 at night but not once this year I have. I soon realized that the only home work i would have is mainly Spanish and Science. But by October I was ready to be out of school.

I forgot what it was like to have a night to myself where i could just relax. I could never hangout with any of my friends or my favorite thing to do fish! Eventually I figured out a loop hole. I don’t  live to far from school so when i would wake up I would try to do half my homework in the morning and half at night. the only problem with that was football and basketball practice in the morning.

In 7th grade I learned a lot of new things like to speak  Spanish and get your homework done. My advice to next years 7th graders is don’t come to school. Just kidding but seriously do your homework.

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