The Frustration of Bird Nesting

Bird nesting is one of the most annoying things in the world besides my brothers. Bird nesting is when you cast your fishing pole and then you don’t put your finger on the spool before it hits the water and the reel gets all tangled up.

Bird nesting is as annoying as the two dogs across the street having a barking contest at 3:00 in the morning. When you bird nest all the sting comes out then you has to untangle it. Or even worse cut it. Some people like to take the easy way out and then cut their line but that’s not good. It takes away all your line and then if you cut it enough you won’t have any line left.

There is a good side to bird nesting though. Actually, not really. But if you get good enough at acting a bait caster then it casts so far. Some of the pros can even cast 75+ feet.