Trout of a Lifetime

Errr…errr…errr. The alarm went off and we got ready. We put on are jackets and jeans and headed out. We went to the fly shop to meet are guides and put on are waiters. We got in their trucks drove through vail village and up a mountain to meet the pond we wood be fishing in. It looked a lot more like a bunch of ponds to me. You could fish every, all rainbow trout of course. Are guides taught us how to cast fly rods and its a lot easier than you think. Ten o’clock two o’clock. Pull out line ten o’clock two o’clock until you get it in the spot you want. I casted into the pond and… BAM a fish hit. It just like that. First fish of the day on one of my first cast. He was about fifteen inches. There where fish hitting everywhere, my dad caught six! It was getting late into the day and I saw the biggest fish in the whole pond. He was 26 inches. For a trout that’s a trophy. He wasn’t blighting at anything and then the guide said try this bait. He put about a millimeter long fly on and then first cast he hit I was reeling him in and then fell into a hole but got up and kept on reeling. He put up a 3 minute fight until I got him in the net. He was a enormous one. Seven pounds. We let him go and then headed home.

3 thoughts on “Trout of a Lifetime

  1. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I can tell that you’re a big fisher. I not a huge fisher but I enjoy it. Infact, I went on a six hour fishing trip over the summer and it was really fun. I’d like to get more into fishing as my life goes on. What the biggest fish that you’ve ever caught?

  2. Awesome catch! You must have had a lot of fun. By the way, have you ever gone bay fishing on a boat before? I have, it was pretty fun after overcoming the initial seasickness. Some person caught a dogfish, and it was pretty large.

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